숨은보험금찾기 - 숨은보험금조회, 돌려받기

by 복지정책알림센터



Hidden insurance money refers to insurance money that has not yet been claimed or paid even though the reason for insurance payment has occurred. This mainly includes intermediate insurance premiums, maturity insurance premiums, and dormant insurance premiums. Last year alone, we found the owner of hidden insurance money worth about 3.3 trillion won, but it is said that there is still about 12.6653 trillion won (as of the end of April 21) of hidden insurance money that has not yet been claimed by consumers. We will guide you in detail on how to find these hidden insurance benefits![Hidden causes of insurance payments]● Change in customer information: When customer information such as phone number or home address changes, you may not be able to receive insurance money because you cannot contact the insurance company.● Unawareness of the reason for payment: In some cases, policyholders may not be aware that a reason for payment of insurance money has occurred or may not be aware that they must file an insurance claim.● Complicated claims process: Because the insurance claim process is complicated or cumbersome, there are cases where people delay filing a claim and eventually do not file a claim.※ This app does not represent the government or government agencies.※ This app was created to provide quality information, and we assume no responsibility.※ Source: Life Insurance Association Find My Insurance https://cont.insure.or.kr/cont_web/intro.do